SI Conversion to Dozenal Pendulum System Decimal SI to Dozenal Pendulum System Conversion Table
Quantity Dimensional Symbol Description Name Symbol n SI Value SI units SI unit equivalents SI Symbol SI Name SI to Dozenal Conversion Factor Ratio interpretation To Convert SI to Dozenal Rule of Thumb
circumference:Ø ratio1 piπ 3.141592654        
circumference:radius ratio1 tauτ 6.283185307        
mass conversion factor1 Avogadro constantNA 6.02214E+23mol^-1       
acceleration due to gravityLT-2 gravitation terrestrialg          
water densityM*L^-3    ~1000kg*m^-3       
light speedLT-1vacuum speed of light c0 299792458m*s^-1       
permittivity vacuum vacuum permittivity ε0 0F*m^-1       
permeability vacuum vacuum permeability  μ0 0.000001256637061H*m^-1       
BASE UNITS              
azimuthal angleθ tau radians = revolutionstrd 6.283185307radm/mradradian0.15915494311/2πDivide by 2π, dec to dozensrad → 1/2π trd
polar angleϕ tau radianstrd 6.283185307radm/mradradian0.15915494311/2πDivide by 2π, dec to dozens 
solid angleΦRatio of area on a sphere to its radius squareddouble tau steradiansdts 12.56637061srm2/m2srsteradian0.079577471551/4πDivide by 4π, dec to dozenssr → 1/4π dts
Spatial [L]              
lengthL lonz = centimeterℓ = cm 0.01m   10010^2shift jot right 2, dec to dozensm → 10^2 ℓ
Temporal [T]    10.6944444444        
timeT durzdn(10^2 *12^-2)/ns   n*6^2 /5^2n*10^-2 *12^2shift jot left 2, n dec to dozens, shift zot right 2 
 T dysed10.6944444444s   1.4410^-2 *12^2shift jot left 2, dec to dozens, shift zot right 2s → 10^-2 *12^2 d
 T secondried20.3472222222s   2.882*10^-2 *12^2shift jot left 2, double dec to dozens, shift zot right 2 
 T twelfth dysed120.05787037037s   17.2810^-2 *12^3shift jot left 2, dec to dozens, shift zot right 3 
 T twelfth secondrie=sestic twelfth dayd240.02893518519s   34.562*10^-2 *12^3shift jot left 2, double dec to dozens, shift zot right 3
Thermal [Θ]              
"relative" temperatureΘr deltagradeΔC °C+~273.15-4K   ΔC+4 [K-~273.15+4] °C minus 4, dec to dozens 
"absolute" temperatureΘ Kelvin = thermzK 1K   11sameK → K
Material [M]              
massM gravz = gramg 0.001kg   100010^3shift jot right 3, dec to dozenskg → 10^3 g
Molar [N]              
number of discrete substanceN molemol 1mol   11samemol → mol
Electromagnetic [Q]              
charge = force per unit electric field strength Q charzc 0.0000000001354992393s⋅As⋅A, F⋅VCcoulomb7380115232~12^11 /10^2  
currentI = Q*T^-1 currentz 0.0000000001951189046A   5125080022~12^9 A → ~12^9 c*d^-1
LuminosityJ540*10^12 Hz, 683candelz  1cd       
DERIVED [θLTΘMN]              
Spatial (Statics) [L only]              
strainL/LExtension per unit length            
wavelengthLPerpendicular distance between repeating units of a wave    m       
areaL2 square lonzℓ2 0.0001m^2 m2 1000010^4shift jot right 4, dec to dozensm^2 → 10^4 ℓ^2
volumeL3Three dimensional extent of an objectvilz = cubic lonzv = ℓ3 0.000001m^3 m3 100000010^6shift jot right 6, dec to dozensm^3 → 10^6 ℓ^3 = 10^6 v
wavenumber, optical power, curvature, spatial frequencyL-1Repetency or spatial frequency: the number of cycles per unit distanceper length  100m−1 m−1 0.0110^-2shift jot left 2, dec to dozens 
wavevectorL-1Repetency or spatial frequency vector: the number of cycles per unit distance    m−1       
fuel efficiencyL-2 per square length  10000m−2 m/m3 0.000110^-4shift jot left 4, dec to dozens 
Temporal (Dynamics) [T only]              
tertrieT 12^-7 days```0.002411265432s   0.0034722222220.5*12^-2  
secondT 1/60 secondsSS 1s       
secondrieT 12^-5 days``0.3472222222s   0.50.5Divide by 2 
dyseT 2 secondriesd 0.6944444444s   1.4410^-2 *12^2shift jot left 2, double dec to dozens, shift zot right 2s → 10^-2 *12^2 d
tryseT 3 secondriests 1.041666667s   1.5(1/8)*12  
minette = primrieT 12^-3 days`50s   720.5*12^2 or 6*12In dozens, multiply by 6, shift zot right 1 
minuteT 1/60 hoursMM 60s   86.40.5*10^-1 *12^3Divide by 2, shift jot left 1, dec to dozens, shift zot right 3minutes divided by 5, multiplied by six = minettes
hourT 1/24 daysHH 3600s   5184(1/4)*12^4 or 3*12^3 hour = hemiduor
duor = nullrieT 12^-1 days° 7200s   10368(1/2)*12^4 duor = double hour
dayT 6*12^4 dyseDD 86400s   124416(1/2)*12^5  
weekT 7 daysWW 604800s   870912(7/2)*12^5  
12 daysT 12 days  1036800s   14929920.5*12^6  
yearT  YYYY          
mean lifetimeTAverage time for a particle of a substance to decay    s       
half-lifeTTime for a quantity to decay to half its initial value d  s       
frequencyT-1Number of (periodic) occurrences per unit timeper durzd-1 1.44s−11/sHzhertz0.694444444410^2 *12^-2shift jot right 2, n dec to dozens, shift zot left 2s^-1 → 10^2/12^2 d^-1
radioactivity (decays per unit time)T−1Number of particles decaying per unit time   1.44s−11/sBqbecquerel0.694444444410^2 *12^-2shift jot right 2, n dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
frequency driftT-2 per square durzd-2 2.0736s^-2 Hz/s 0.482253086410^4 *12^-4shift jot 4 right, n dec to dozens, shift zot 4 lefts^-2 → 10^4/12^4 d^-2
Kinematic (Spatiotemporal) [T&(L or θ) only]              
angular velocityθT-1 tau radians per timetrd*d-1 9.047786842rad*s^-1 rad/s 0.110524266(10^2 *12^-2)/2πshift jot right 2, dec to dozens /2π, shift zot left 2dec to dozens, divide by nine
angular velocityθT-1 revolutions per minute  0.1047197551rad*s^-1 rpm 0.011574074072*10 *12^-3double, shift jot 1 right, dec to dozens, shift zot 3 left 
angular accelerationθT-2 tau radians per square timetrd*d-2 13.02881305rad*s^-2 rad/s2 0.07675296253(10^4 *12^-4)/2πshift jot 4 right, dec to dozens /2π, shift zot 4 leftdec to dozens, divide by onezeen
speed; velocityLT-1Moved distance per unit time: the first time derivative of positionlength per timeℓ*d-1 0.0144m*s^-1 m/s 69.4444444410^4 *12^-2shift jot 4 right, dec to dozens, shift zot 2 left 
motor speedLT-1 kilometres per hourkm/h 0.2777777778m*s^-1 km/hr 19.29012346   
Mach numberLT-1Ratio of flow velocity to the local speed of sound            
refractive indexc0*L-1TFactor by which the phase velocity of light is reduced in a medium            
accelerationLT-2 length per square timeℓ*d-2 0.020736m*s^−2 m/s2 48.2253086410^6 *12^-4shift jot 6 right, dec to dozens, shift zot 4 left 
jerk, joltLT-3Change of acceleration per unit time: the third time derivative of positionlength per cubic timeℓ*d-3 0.02985984m*s^−3 m/s3 33.4897976710^8 *12^-6shift jot 8 right, dec to dozens, shift zot 6 left 
snap, jounceLT-4Change of jerk per unit time: the fourth time derivative of positionlength per quartic timeℓ*d-4 0.0429981696m*s^−4 m/s4 23.2568039410^10 *12^-8shift jot 10 right, dec to dozens, shift zot 8 left 
crackleL T−5 length per quintic timeℓ*d-5 0.06191736422m*s^−5 m/s5     
popL T−6Rate of change of crackle per unit time: the sixth time derivative of position            
volumetric flowL3T-1Rate of change of volume with respect to timevolume per time  0.00000144m3*s^-1m3⋅s−1m3/s 694444.444410^8 *12^-2shift jot 8 right, dec to dozens, shift zot 2 left 
kinematic viscosity, thermal diffusivity, diffusion coefficientL2T-1    0.000144m2⋅s−1 m2/s 6944.44444410^6 *12^-2shift jot right 6, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
specific angular momentumL2T-1    0.000144m2⋅s−1 N⋅m⋅s/kg 6944.44444410^6 *12^-2shift jot right 6, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
specific energyL2T-2Energy density per unit mass   0.00020736m2⋅s−2J⋅kg−1J/kg 4822.53086410^8 *12^-4shift jot right 8, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
absorbed dose (of ionizing radiation)L2T-2Ionizing radiation energy absorbed by biological tissue per unit mass   0.00020736m2⋅s−2J/kgGygray4822.53086410^8 *12^-4shift jot right 8, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
equivalent dose (of ionizing radiation)L2T-2Received radiation adjusted for the effect on biological tissue   0.00020736m2⋅s−2J/kgSvsievert4822.53086410^8 *12^-4shift jot right 8, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
absorbed dose rateL2T-3    0.0002985984m2⋅s−3 Gy/s 3348.97976710^10 *12^-6shift jot right 10, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
Thermodynamic [Θ]              
thermal expansion coefficientΘ-1    1K−1 K−1 1samedec to dozens 
temperature gradientL-1Θsteepest rate of temperature change at a particular location   100m−1⋅K K/m 0.0110^-2shift jot left 2, dec to dozens 
specific heat capacity, specific entropyL2 T−2 Θ−1Heat capacity per unit mass   0.00020736m2⋅s−2⋅K−1 J/(K⋅kg) 4822.53086410^8 *12^-4shift jot right 8, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
entropyM L2 T−2 Θ−1Logarithmic measure of the number of available states of a system   0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2⋅K−1 J/K 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
heat capacityM L2 T−2 Θ−1Energy per unit temperature change   0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2⋅K−1 J/K 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
thermal conductivityM L T−3 Θ−1Measure for the ease with which a material conducts heat   0.00002985984m⋅kg⋅s−3⋅K−1 W/(m⋅K) 33489.7976710^11 *12^-6shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
thermal conductanceM L2 T−3 Θ−1Measure for the ease with which an object conducts heat      W/K     
Thermal resistivityM−1 L−1 T3 ΘMeasure for the ease with which a material resists conduction of heat      K⋅m/W     
thermal resistanceM−1 L−2 T3 ΘMeasure for the ease with which an object resists conduction of heat   3348979.767m−2⋅kg−1⋅s3⋅K K/W 0.000000298598410^-13 *12^6shift jot left 13, dec to dozens, shift zot right 6 
Material [M]              
mass fraction1Mass of a substance as a fraction of the total mass      kg/kg     
atomic mass unitM grams per Avogadro number*mol^1 /NAdalton6.02214E+26 Multiply by NA 
linear mass densityM L−1Mass per unit length   0.1m−1⋅kg kg/m 1010shift jot right 1, dec to dozens 
area densityM L−2    10m−2⋅kg kg/m2 0.110^-1shift jot left 1, dec to dozens 
mass densityM L−3 mass per volume  1000m−3⋅kg kg/m3 0.00110^-3shift jot left 3, dec to dozens 
specific gravity  gravz per vilz  1g*cm^−3 g/ml 1samedec to dozens 
specific volumeM−1 L3Volume per unit mass (reciprocal of density)volume per mass  0.001m3⋅kg−1 m3/kg 100010^4shift jot right 4, dec to dozens 
moment of inertiaM L2Inertia of an object with respect to angular acceleration   0.0000001m2⋅kg kg⋅m2 1000000010^7shift jot right 7, dec to dozens 
Molar [N]              
molarity, amount of substance concentration; molar concentrationL−3 NAmount of substance per unit volume   1000000m−3⋅mol mol/m3 0.00000110^-6shift jot left 6, dec to dozens 
molar volume  volume per mole  0.000001m3⋅mol−1 m3/mol 100000010^6shift jot right 6, dec to dozens 
catalytic activity     1.44s−1⋅molmol/skatkatal0.694444444410^2 *12^-2shift jot right 2, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
catalytic efficiency     0.00000144m3⋅s−1⋅mol−1 m3/(mol⋅s) 694444.444410^8 *12^-2shift jot right 8, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
catalytic activity concentrationL−3 T−1 NChange in reaction rate due to presence of a catalyst per unit volume of the system   1440000m^-3 *s^-1 *mol kat⋅m−3 0.000000694444444410^-4 *12^-2shift jot left 4, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
reaction rateN L−3 T−1Rate of a chemical reaction for unit time      mol/(m3⋅s)     
molality     1000kg−1⋅mol mol/kg 0.00110^-3shift jot left 3, dec to dozens 
molar mass     0.001kg⋅mol−1 kg/mol 100010^3shift jot right 3, dec to dozens 
molar energyM L2 T−2 N−1Amount of energy present in a system per unit amount of substance   0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2⋅mol−1 J/mol 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
chemical potentialM L2 T−2 N−1Energy per unit change in amount of substance   0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2⋅mol−1 J/mol 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
molar entropyM L2 T−2 Θ−1 N−1Entropy per unit amount of substance   0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2⋅K−1⋅mol−1 J/(K⋅mol) 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
molar heat capacityM L2 T−2 Θ−1 N−1Heat capacity of a material per unit amount of substance    0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2⋅K−1⋅mol−1 J/(K⋅mol) 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
molar conductivity     0kg−1⋅s3⋅A2⋅mol−1 S⋅m2/mol 7.84312E+16~10^-9 *12^24  
Mechanical (Material dynamics) [M&(T or L or θ)]              
Temporal mass              
mass flow rate     0.00144kg⋅s−1 kg/s 694.444444410^5 *12^-2shift jot right 5, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
surface tension, stiffnessM T−2Energy change per unit change in surface area   0.0020736kg⋅s−2 N/m = J/m2 482.253086410^7 *12^-4shift jot right 7, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
radiant exposure     0.0020736kg⋅s−2 J/m2 482.253086410^7 *12^-4shift jot right 7, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
radianceM T−3Power of emitted electromagnetic radiation per unit solid angle per emitting source area   0.002985984kg⋅s−3 *sr^-1 W/(sr⋅m2) 334.897976710^9 *12^-6shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
intensity Power per unit cross sectional area      W/m2     
heat flux densityM T−3Heat flow per unit time per unit surface area   0.002985984kg⋅s−3 W/m2 334.897976710^9 *12^-6shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
irradianceM T−3Electromagnetic radiation power per unit surface area   0.002985984kg⋅s−3 W/m2 334.897976710^9 *12^-6shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
energy flux density     0.002985984kg⋅s−3 J/(m2⋅s) 334.897976710^9 *12^-6shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
Material Kinematics (spatiotemporal mass) [MLT]              
force, weightM L T−1Transfer of momentum per unit time    m*kg*s^−1 N⋅s     
impulseM L T−1Transferred momentum     N⋅s = kg⋅m/s newton-second    
spectral intensity     0.00002985984m⋅kg⋅s−3 *sr^-1 W/(sr⋅m) 33489.7976710^11 *12^-6shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
momentum, impulse M L T−1 Product of an object's mass and velocity       0.000020736 m*kg*s^−2 kg⋅m/s; kg⋅m/s2" N newton 48225.30864 10^9 *12^-4 shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4  
action     0.000000144m2⋅kg⋅s−1 J⋅s 6944444.44410^9 *12^-2shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
weightM L T−2Gravitational force on an object      N = kg⋅m/s2newton    
angular momentumM L2 T−1    0.000000144m2⋅kg⋅s−1 N⋅m⋅s = J s 6944444.44410^9 *12^-2shift jot right 9, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
spinM L2 T−1Quantum-mechanically defined angular momentum of a particle    kg⋅m2⋅s−1       
workM L2 T−2Transferred energy      Jjoule    
energy, work, heatM L2 T−2Thermal energy   0.00000020736kg⋅m2⋅s−2m⋅N, C⋅V, W⋅sJjoule4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
torque, moment of forceM L2 T−2Product of a force and the perpendicular distance of the force from the point about which it is exerted   0.00000020736m2⋅kg⋅s−2 *rad^-1 N⋅m = J/rad 4822530.86410^11 *12^-4shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
power M L2 T−3Rate of transfer of energy per unit time   0.0000002985984kg⋅m2⋅s−3J/s, V⋅AWwatt3348979.76710^13 *12^-6shift jot right 13, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
radiant flux      kg⋅m2⋅s−3       
radiant intensityM L2 T−3Power of emitted electromagnetic radiation per unit solid angle   0.0000002985984m2⋅kg⋅s−3 *sr^-1 W/sr 3348979.76710^13 *12^-6shift jot right 13, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
yank     0.00002985984m⋅kg⋅s−3 N/s 33489.7976710^11 *12^-6shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
spectral power     0.00002985984m⋅kg⋅s−3 W/m 33489.7976710^11 *12^-6shift jot right 11, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
dynamic viscosityM L−1 T−1Measure for the resistance of an incompressible fluid to stress   0.144m−1⋅kg⋅s−1 Pa⋅s = N⋅s/m2 6.94444444410^3 *12^-2shift jot right 3, dec to dozens, shift zot left 2 
energy densityM L−1 T−2Energy per unit volume   0.20736m−1⋅kg⋅s−2 J/m3 4.82253086410^5 *12^-4shift jot right 5, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
pressureM L−1 T−2Force per unit area   0.20736kg⋅m−1⋅s−2N/m2Papascal4.82253086410^5 *12^-4shift jot right 5, dec to dozens, shift zot left 4 
stressM L−1 T−2Force per unit oriented surface area      Pa     
Young's modulusM L−1 T−2Ratio of stress to strain     N/m2Papascal    
compressibility     4.822530864m⋅kg−1⋅s2 Pa−1 0.2073610^-5 *12^4shift jot left 5, dec to dozens, shift zot right 4 
spectral irradiance, power density     0.2985984m−1⋅kg⋅s−3 W/m3 3.34897976710^7 *12^-6shift jot right 7, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
spectral radiance     0.2985984m−1⋅kg⋅s−3 *sr^-1 W/(sr⋅m3) 3.34897976710^7 *12^-6shift jot right 7, dec to dozens, shift zot left 6 
luminous flux, luminous powerJPerceived power of a light source   1cd*srcd⋅srlmlumen1same  
illuminanceL−2 JLuminous flux per unit surface area   10000 sr*cd⋅m−2lm/m2lxlux0.000110^-4  
luminous energy     0.6944444444 sr*s⋅cd lm⋅s 1.4410^-2 *12^2  
luminous exposure     6944.444444sr*m−2⋅s⋅cd lx⋅s 0.00014410^-6 *12^2  
luminance     10000m−2⋅cd cd/m2 0.000110^-4  
luminous efficacy     3348979.767sr*m−2⋅kg−1⋅s3⋅cd lm/W 0.000000298598410^-13 *12^6  
Spatial charge [Q&L]              
linear charge density     0.00000001354992393m−1⋅s⋅A C/m 73801152.32~10^-4 *12^11  
electric displacement field, polarization densityL−2 QStrength of the electric displacement   0.000001354992393m−2⋅s⋅A C/m2 738011.5232~10^-6 *12^11  
electric charge densityL−3 Q Volumetric charge  0.0001354992393m−3⋅s⋅A C/m3 7380.115232~10^-8 *12^11  
Spatiotemporal charge [Q&T&L]              
magnetomotive force     0.0000000001951189046A*rad A⋅rad 5125080022*~12^9  
magnetization, magnetic field strengthL−1 IStrength of a magnetic field; Amount of magnetic moment per unit volume    0.00000001951189046m−1⋅A A/m 51250800.22~10^-2 *12^9  
electric current densityL−2 IElectric current per unit cross-section area   0.000001951189046m−2⋅A A/m2 512508.0022~10^-4 *12^9  
magnetic dipole moment     0m2⋅A J/T 51250800219246~10^4 *12^9  
Material Charge [Q&M]              
exposure (X and gamma rays)     0.0000001354992393kg−1⋅s⋅A C/kg 7380115.232~10^-5 *12^11  
Spatiomaterial Charge [Q&M&L]              
electrical inductanceM L2 T−2 I−2Magnetic flux generated per unit current through a circuit   5446610083127kg⋅m2⋅s−2⋅A−2V⋅s/A, Ω⋅s, Wb/AHhenry0~10^11 *12^-22  
magnetic permeabilityM L T−2 I−2Measure for how the magnetization of material is affected by the application of an external magnetic field   544661008312732m⋅kg⋅s−2⋅A−2 H/m 0~10^9 *12^-22  
magnetic susceptibility     0m−1⋅kg−1⋅s2⋅A2 m/H 544661008312732~10^-9 *12^22  
magnetic reluctanceM−1 L−2 T2 I2resistance to the flow of magnetic flux   0m−2⋅kg−1⋅s2⋅A2 H−1 5446610083127~10^-11 *12^22  
Temporal Material Charge [Q&M&T]              
electron mobility     0.00000009409669397kg−1⋅s2⋅A m2/(V⋅s) 10627365.93~10^-7 *12^13  
magnetic induction, magnetic flux densityM T−2 I−1Measure for the strength of the magnetic field   10627365.93kg⋅s−2⋅A−1V⋅s/m2, Wb/m2, N/(A⋅m)Ttesla0.00000009409669397~10^7 *12^-13  
Spatiotemporal Material Charge [Q&M&T&L]              
electric field strengthML T−3 I−1Strength of the electric field   153034.0694m⋅kg⋅s−3⋅A−1 V/m 0.000006534492637~10^11 *12^-15  
voltage, electrical potential difference, electromotive forceM L2 T−3 I−1Energy required to move a unit charge through an electric field from a reference point   1530.340694kg⋅m2⋅s−3⋅A−1W/A, J/CVvolt0.0006534492637~10^13 *12^-15  
resistivityM L3 T−3 I−2Bulk property equivalent of electrical resistance   78431185197m3⋅kg⋅s−3⋅A−2 Ω⋅m 0~10^15 *12^-24  
electrical resistance, impedance, reactanceM L2 T−3 I−2lectric potential per unit electric current   7843118519703kg⋅m2⋅s−3⋅A−21/S, V/AΩohm0~10^13 *12^-24  
impedanceM L2 T−3 I−2Resistance to an alternating current of a given frequency, including effect on phase            
electrical conductanceM−1 L−2 T3 I2Measure for how easily current flows through a material   0kg−1⋅m−2⋅s3⋅A21/Ω, A/VSsiemens7843118519703~10^-13 *12^24  
electrical capacitanceM−1 L−2 T4 I2    0kg−1⋅m−2⋅s4⋅A2C/V, s/ΩFfarad11294090668373~10^-15 *12^26  
electrical conductivityM−1 L−3 T3 I2Measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current   0m−3⋅kg−1⋅s3⋅A2 S/m 78431185197~10^-15 *12^24  
permittivityM−1 L−3 T4 I2Measure for how the polarization of a material is affected by the application of an external electric field   0m−3⋅kg−1⋅s4⋅A2 F/m 112940906684~10^-17 *12^26  
magnetic vector potential     106273.6593m⋅kg⋅s−2⋅A−1 Wb/m 0.000009409669397~10^9 *12^-13  
magnetic rigidity     106273.6593m⋅kg⋅s−2⋅A−1 T⋅m 0.000009409669397~10^9 *12^-13  
magnetic fluxM L2 T−2 I−1Measure of magnetism, taking account of the strength and the extent of a magnetic field      Wbweber    
magnetic moment     10.62736593m3⋅kg⋅s−2⋅A−1 Wb⋅m 0.09409669397~10^13 *12^-13  
          Geometric mean347.2424808