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Denominational Dozenal Numerals


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Join date : 2019-08-05

Denominational Dozenal Numerals Empty Denominational Dozenal Numerals

Post by Phaethon Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:05 pm

Title: Denominational Dozenal Numerals
Subtitle: Rationally Designed Base Twelve Figures

This month, I discovered a video containing dozenal numerals.  A transcript of excepts from the video follows:

Gosia Duszak wrote:[13:03] "Another day. Originally in Spanish, 2020, exact date unknown."
"Math is totally different, starting from how we write it, so I have to begin like in kindergarten. Look, this is one, and this is two."
[13:41] "in base twelve, there is no zero within a numerical progression. So, I can represent the numbers from one to twelve as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. But what about thirteen or twenty-four? The twelve is represented for you as "one two", one ten and two units. [...] the twelve is represented as a whole with this symbol, -, which for you is subtraction. [...] The closest thing to twenty-four [...] would be this, :-, which equals twenty-four.
[15:14] [...] For you, if you have the base numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero, you can copy and paste them to form any number. For [...], that can only be done in a limited way, because many big numbers have their own symbol, even if logically they are based on simpler ones.

[15:56] This symbol, ., is one;
This symbol, :, is two;
Three: |;
There is no symbol for four;
There is no symbol for five;
This is six: ||;
No symbol for seven;
No symbol for eight;
Nine: |||;
No symbol for ten,
and no symbol for eleven;
And this is twelve: -.
[16:30] I have to draw it from scratch, and that's what I have been doing. Yes, they are represented with symbols, but I don't have a keyboard to write them with. A digital computer numeric pad is not suitable [...].

[16:47] [Image of numerals]
[17:00] Notice that there is no zero. That makes it messy to translate formulas.
[17:12] Yes, there is in mathematics as a concept, but not in writing. Everything is with multiplications of twelve. I am missing numbers, many. For example the number one hundred and forty-four is written like this: --, or twelve times twelve.
The twenty-four is not like this, it is like this, :-. The dots represent a twelve. The dash represents the other twelve.
[18:04] Now, do numerology with that. It changes everything radically. What number is this: |-?
Thirty-six. This is twenty-five: :.; two dozen plus one.
This, :, is two and this, ., is one; space one indicating twelve; space two indicating a one; so it ends up being two times twelve, plus one. But this [...] is not linear, so the number twenty-five can be represented like this, :., as above, or it can be represented like this, :-., or two twelves and a one. But this symbol also represents another number: three hundred and one. This, :, in the first space indicating two times one hundred and forty-four, plus one twelve; that is, three hundred plus one, three hundred and one.
[19:38] Twenty-five is this, :., as used more often.
Two twelves and a dot, one, because with a dash, twelve, it becomes three digits, hence 301.
:, one digit;
-, two digits;
., three digits.
[20:10] But what I see as a more serious problem is that the whole way of thinking must be changed, because on Earth the number hundred is base, but here it is just another number. The base is one hundred and forty-four, --.

The point above the dash is a one, so this symbol, i, is four.
Now, those are the numbers the way it is written as a base. There is a simplified version too. I don't have it ready yet, but it's the same but less elaborate. And finally there are handwritten numbers that also differ at a simple glance. The task is monumental.
[21:07] The same but, for example, eleven is three dashes with two dots above and below the middle one.
[21:56] The lines with circuits [...], as you will see from the alphabet.
[23:19] Basically all advanced races use base twelve. The symbols vary, but in essence it is the same.
[ends 24:46]
That system is in essence a denominational system in which a unit is a circle or dot, three is a vertical line, and the first power of the base twelve is a horizontal line. In this case, the denominational system lacks a subtractive principle. A similar scheme of denominations to build up dozenal numerals had been proposed earlier elsewhere, where there were denominations for one, three, and twelve. The concept of using the symbol for twelve twice to represent its second power also appeared in that earlier source. If the symbols for one and twelve are swapped, the scheme in the video would also be similar to a scheme published graphically in the same year as that claimed in the video that also uses a vertical line for three as a component within numerals. In the video, there seem to be two versions mixed up, one of denominational notation and the other more similar to positional notation.


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Posts : 173
Points : 282
Join date : 2019-08-05

Denominational Dozenal Numerals Empty Re: Denominational Dozenal Numerals

Post by Phaethon Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:25 pm

The circles or dots for one appear to be an attempt to make the numerals resemble Mayan numbers mentioned in the video and so-called angelic celestial alphabetic script letters. Simply changing the circles of the video to horizontal lines makes the proposal of the video equivalent to an earlier proposal of another person.


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